TIP SHEET: My “Must Have” Papers – Managing the Paperwork of Adulting

A new publication is available from The Learning and Working During the Transition to Adulthood Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (Transitions ACR) for youth and young adults.  The publication offers tips about keeping and protecting important personal records and information and is available in English and Spanish.

There are some personal papers that everybody must have, such as a birth certificate, license if you drive a car (or State ID if you don’t), or a student ID if you are a college student.  This tip sheet, “My Must-Have Papers,” offers tips about keeping and protecting your important personal records and information. (If this feels like a lot of information, sometimes an older family member or friend with experience can help you acquire and organize these documents.)

The tip sheet also explains what types of documents a person might need in everyday adult life, such as identification, medical and employment records, and Social Security cards. It covers which papers are important to hold on to and which ones can be discarded, which to have always available and which ones can be left at home or other secure location.

The English version is at this link:  My Must-Have Papers

The Spanish version is at this link:  Mis documentos importantes



WINAHEAD is made up of representatives from thirty institutions. Our members are professionals employed by two- and four-year colleges and universities who work directly with students with disabilities to ensure equal access to higher education. WIN indicates the geographic area we represent: Western Iowa and Nebraska. AHEAD is our national parent organization, the Association on Higher Education and Disability.